Since the airing of Classroom of the Elite Season 2 and the final 13th episode that it contained, some fans have been left wondering about the ending that we were giving for the second season, which was very exciting and action-packed. In this article, we will go over the second season of Classroom of the Elite and the final episode it featured. This is Classroom Of The Elite Season 2 Episode 13 Explained.

With the introduction of a few new characters and the continuation of the original plot we got in season 1, Ryūen makes a particular number of appearances, especially during the end and many other characters pop up as well. There was also a tiny amount of Romance involved with this season as we saw Kiyotaka being asked out and him also linking up with Kei Karuizawa multiple times, however, that turned out to be just Kiyotaka using her for his own game.

What is the main narrative of Classroom of the Elite Season 2?

The main narrative of Classroom of the Elite Season 2 is pretty simple as it follows on from the first season and all the events that took place during this season.

There are a few people who are aware that there is someone who seems to be manipulating everyone and pulling everyone’s strings in secret, but the classes they belong to haven’t caught up yet.

In this season, the main focus is on Ryūen, since he gets played a bunch of times by the same person, Kiyotaka. During season 2, and in the final episode, there were several scenes which validated my previous opinion about Kiyotaka being a manipulative sociopath. There are several scenes where Kiyotaka just blatantly uses people.

There is a scene, where Karuizawa admits ‘he uses people without a second thought’ – this is an interesting scene since Kiytotaka reveals himself at the end, but I’ll come to that later.

Classroom of the Elite Season 2 ending explained

To discuss the ending of Classroom of the Elite season 2 Episode 13 we need to discuss Kiytotaka’s actions with Karuizawa, and how they lead to Kiytotaka coming to save her in the final episode when Ryūen starts abusing her.

Throughout the first episodes, Kiyotaka realises that Karuizawa is being subjected to bullying by a group of girls from Ryūen’s class. Class C. During this time, Karuizawa is sent a message so she can meet up with a class member.

However, when she arrives at the meet-up spot, she isn’t greeted by the person she wanted to meet, but by the group of bullies that were harassing her before. This leads to her being surrounded and bullied while they mock her about her appearance and persona.

It’s a pretty harrowing scene to watch and it shows that there are characters in the series who can be brought to their breaking points.

What’s more at the end of the scene, it was revealed that Kiyotaka had been watching the incident the entire time. and it was covered in this YouTube video you can view below.

Kiyotaka watches as Karuizawa is bullied.

After we see Kiyotaka watching over them, he says, “Getting Karuizawa to rock bottom will save me time. This is necessary.” The reason he says this is because it’s Kiyotaka who set Karuizawa up in the first place.

After the girls leave, Karuizawa is left crying on the floor, when Kiyotaka approaches her and messes with her emotions so he can manipulate her into doing what he says for the remainder of the episodes.

During the scene he approaches her and asks for her trust, saying he will protect her, against the bullies.

However, the reason that he does this isn’t that he cares for her, it’s because he wants to use the situation to his advantage.

He shows her a recording of the girls bullying her and says if they ever bother her again, she can simply show the video to the staff of the academy and get the girls excluded.

Why episode 12 is more important than the final episode

So, because of this strange but one-sided relationship that he forms with Karuizawa, he can use her to obtain info on other Classes and individuals and keep an eye out to make sure his real identity of the mastermind who is pulling Class D’s strings is revealed.

The only thing that Kiyotaka does not take into account is Ryūen figuring out that there is a mastermind who is pulling Class D strings. This is something that happens in Classroom of the Elite Season 2 episode 13.

Even though Ryūen is not the smartest character in the show, he certainly proved himself capable in this season, demonstrating an understanding of how to carry out and execute his plans and class goals, whilst also trying to figure out who is pulling Class C’s strings as well.

In the final episode, Ryūen cleverly conducts a plan to draw out the “Mastermind” as he calls them. He does this by sending a photo of Karuizawa to Kiyotaka and some other Class C members, which results in Kiyotaka realising that someone is onto him. This was needed since Ryūen was starting to go a bit mental, knowing that there was someone who was in control and that they were just out of reach for him.

Classroom Of The Elite Season 2 Ending Explained
© Seven Seas Entertainment (Classroom of the Elite Season 2)

After this, Ryūen instructs Karuizawa to meet him, and after she does, it’s revealed that it’s a trap and that they intend to use her to draw out Kiyotaka. It works, but not in the way they intend. This is because Kiyotaka shows up just in time to save Karuizawa, yet he doesn’t care about her anyway.

It turns out that Kiyotaka doesn’t even care if his identity is uncovered, he says this to Ryūen when they meet. Ryūen and his gang start trying to fight Kiyotaka, but he defeats them all, Ryūen included, although he puts up a bit more of a fight.

The reason that episode 12 is by far the best episode of the season, is because of this fight. Kiyotaka notes that during this fight, Ryūen has his own adaptive and personal fighting style which has been created from his fights.

So, after the fight, Kiyotaka takes Karuizawa back to her room and she trusts him again, thanking him for saving her in the nick of time. In addition, this adds to the regard that Karuizawa holds Kiyotaka, and because of this, she trusts him much more. However, just like always, it’s revealed that Kiyotaka intended for this to happen the whole time. But before we get to that, let’s talk about the final episode.

Classroom of the Elite Season2 ending explained

To understand the final episode and what it means for Classroom of the Elite Season 3. The final episode is very much linked to episode 12 and it’s what you would call a rounding-off episode. All the final loose ends are cut and we get a nice conclusion to the second season of one of the most popular Anime right now.

After the fight, Ryūen meets up with Kiyotaka and reveals that he tried to quit the school by confessing to spray painting the cameras so no one could see what they were doing to Karuizawa. Kiyotaka says he was impressed with the fight and how Ryūen handled it.

Ryūen asks if Kiyotaka wants him to spy on the other classes for him, and Kiyotaka declines, asking him why he’d even want to do that. The two talk about Kushida, and how if she is not removed, she will ultimately prevent them from getting to Class A.

Ryūen even compares him to cancer, saying if it is not cut out, it will spread and become a big problem later on, so Kiyotaka admits that he has a plan for her and that he will have her kicked out of school next year, to which Ryūen laughs.

After the fight with Ryūen, there’s a scene where Kiyotaka and Karuizawa are walking back together and Karuizawa thinks about how Kiyotaka “uses people without a second thought” and how even though he saved her, she still likes him, she even contemplates the possibility that she might be in love with him.

As you can see, the Classroom of the Elite Season 2 episode 13 ending was pretty conclusive and well thought out, we saw conclusions for so many of the sub-narratives which started in the first season and second season. But more importantly, we get a final insight into the mind of Kiyotaka.

He talks about Karuizawa, saying how “now she’ll be entirely dependant on me” – thinking that because he said he was going to leave her, she was met with a feeling of abandonment, so when she is at her breaking point when she is being bullied by Ryūen, Kiyotaka came in and saved her, solidifying her trust in him and making her totally dependant on him.

It’s a sad but insightful end to the second season and to be honest, it left me a bit disappointed. However, the fight scene in episode 12 was really good and I’m glad that the season ended like this. It’s great since we know another season is already on the way, as it would be a bit sad if this was the final episode of the season finale.

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  1. Você esqueceu de mencionar que o Ayanakoji na parte final do episódio 13, ele também pensa se a maneira que ele vê as pessoas algum dia vai mudar.

    1. Sim você está certo! Deveríamos ter incluído isso. É a última coisa que ele diz na segunda temporada. Leia o artigo sobre a 3ª temporada aqui:

    2. Felizmente, veremos mais desse lado dele na terceira temporada. Vamos apenas esperar para ver.

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