Nicolas Brown is in our trio of the three main characters in the anime Gangsta (GANGSTA.) and is referred to sometimes as “Nick”. In the gangsta anime (GANGSTA.) Nick is a Twighlight or T.A.G. and as a result, possesses special abilities that allow him to maximise his body’s capabilities in activities such as fighting, overall movement, vision and healing etc. This is the Nicolas Brown Character Profile.


Twighlights are seen as different and are usually the target of hate-based attacks due to the “Twighlight war” which occurred sometime before the events of the current series.

Nicolas Brown appears in all of the episodes in the series, and just like Warrick, he is a very important character in the Anime. So here, is the Nicolas Brown Character Profile.

Appearance & Aura

Nicolas Brown is tall, about the same height as Warrick, he has relatively short dark born or black hair, which you could argue is styled neatly, unlike Warrick, who has it tied behind his head.

He has a slightly muscular face and upper body and is of Asian descent, most likely Japanese. He wears normally a suit consisting of a black jacket and black trousers as well as black smart shoes.

Nicolas Brown Character Profile
© Studio Manglobe (GANGSTA.)

Underneath he wears a brown or black shirt with no tie. His eyes can be described as dead-looking, omitting no life at all. His whole character does display this characteristic which gives off a feeling of dread when viewed, in my opinion.

Being deaf, he talks rarely, this gives off an odd and mystifying feeling. This makes his character somewhat attractive and interesting.

Nicholas’s deaf characteristic is s very defining one indeed and it was very impactful to his character and the events in the first series of GANGSTA. it’s a problem that he overcomes however and it does not hinder his fighting abilities at all as far as we can see in the anime.


When discussing the Nicolas Brown Character Profile there isn’t much to go on in terms of personality. It’s very hard to pinpoint a certain way he acts. From what I have gathered, Nicolas Brown seems to be quite different to Worick. This is because he normally doesn’t get that involved in conversations. He only does so when he needs to.

Take the scenes where Alex tries to communicate with Nicolas Brown. She completes several hand sign movements in order to do so. Well if you don’t he completely ignores her. When she tries to get his attention by grabbing his coat he does the same thing.

He doesn’t seem to have an interest but I would lying if I didn’t say that he did care about these sorts of things. The scene where Alex is having some sort of panic attack because she needs to take her medication or the opposite was quite interesting.

This shows that he has some sort of compassion as he relates to her problem, needing to take the drug to celebrate himself to sustain his life. Hopefully, this element between Alex and Nick will be expanded upon in Season 2, but we’ll just have to wait I guess. Either way, they are an important part of the Nicolas Brown Character Profile.

Nicolas Brown’s History

Nicolas Brown’s history is very similar to Woricks as they both grew up together from their teenage years. Worick works as Nicholas’s contract holder and therefore he’s supposed to obey Warrick’s orders without fail every time.


Nicolas Brown was born a Twilight, so he is still a Twilight when he is introduced to Worick when he also is just a teenager. When they grow up during this time Nicholas acts as Warrick’s bodyguard and has to protect him as Warrick is his contract holder.

Nicolas Brown Character Profile
© Studio Manglobe (GANGSTA.)

We don’t get to see what happens after this and only get to them in their teenage years. Nicholas’s parents are dead and we don’t see them in the anime.

In the later years and what we see in the current scenes in the anime is how Nicolas Brown and Warrick are now and what they are doing. This also ties into when they meet Alex. The later years are where we are now in the anime series and we get to see all three of our main characters.

After this, he serves Worick as he did anyway and carries on being his bodyguard but the two seem to work more closely together and they appear more equal.

Problem with speech

Since Nicholas Brown is deaf, Worick and Nicholas use sign language to communicate with each other, with Alex also later learning it so she can speak to Nicholas. We see most of Nicholas’s history in the anime and we see some interesting fights and other scenes as a result of this. Hopefully, we will get to see more of this in season 2, but for now, we will have to wait.

At the end of the first season we see Nicolas Brown look up into the sky when it is raining and think to himself:

“Nothing good ever happens when it rains like this…. Never has.”

This relates to when Worick was stabbed at around the same time. However, it’s revealed that in the last episode of the current anime when this happens, Nicholas is unaware that this has happened leaving it on a massive cliffhanger.

Will Nicholas and Worick ever be reunited after the stabbing? Hopefully, we will see it in season 2 of the anime, although you can obviously read ahead in the GANGSTA. manga.

Nicolas Brown’s Character Arc

Much like Alex and Worick in the GANGSTA. the anime series Nicolas Brown doesn’t have much of an arc we can observe due to there only being one season.

What we do see are flashbacks to when he was a teenager acting as Warrick’s bodyguard. The fact is that Nicholas doesn’t change a lot in the current anime. This is in terms of how he acts or how his character progresses. He seems to stay the same throughout.

Although this is how it is in the anime, I’m sure in the manga it’s a different story. I think if the anime got a second season we may get to see Nicholas’s arc progress.

Maybe a change in Nicolas Brown’s character would be good. Maybe he should stay the same, either way, we will have to wait until season 2 comes out If that ever happens. A change in his arc may have something to do with his deafness problem. It may even play a part in his arc, we’ll just have to see.

Character significance in GANGSTA.

Nicholas plays a big part in the GANGSTA narrative and is one of the three main characters. The other two are Alex & Worick. Without Nicholas, the whole dynamic between the three main characters simply would not work.

Nicholas’s deaf trait makes him very unique in the anime series. Without him, the series would not be able to function as it does. The series as a whole would not work.

Therefore you can see how important Nicholas is in GANGSTA. and understand how important he is in the series. Nicolas Brown works as Warrick’s bodyguard. Without him, Warrick would only be at risk when going about business in Ergastulum.

Nicolas is a fierce and effective fighter, capable of taking on multiple opponents. This makes him a good match for the other fighters he encounters in Ergastulum.

He also is liked by many other characters such as Alex for example. She seems to take particular interest in him, even learning sign language as I said before.

He uses a Japanese-style Katana. This makes for a very hard time if you happen to come up against him in a fight. The sword and his deafness are very good defining characteristics. These help cement Nicolas in our minds and make sure we don’t forget him.

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